Portrait | Kyriacos Zygouakis

Kyriacos Zygourakis

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

CHBE 303 MATLAB Manual

This is an introduction to programming in MATLAB developed by Prof. Sam H. Davis for the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering students taking the CHBE 303 “numerical Methods” course. While it may not describe features introduced by more recent versions of MATLAB, this manual covers all the basics a student will need to start programming in MATLAB. Please send all comments and requests for corrections or additions to Prof. Zygourakis.

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FORTRAN 90/95 Manual

Computer historians have described Fortran as the software equivalent of the transistor. Kenneth Thompson, who created the Unix operating system at Bell Laboratories in 1969, observed that "95 percent of the people who programmed in the early years would never have done it without Fortran. It was a massive step."  Sure enough, this was the programming language I used when I started programming in the early 1970s. 

Michail Stamatakis and Pradeep P. Bhat prepared this manual to introduce Chemical Engineering students to Fortran 90/95 which was used for several years in CHBE 303 in addition and in parallel to MATLAB. While it is short, all the basics are here. Enjoy!  

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